The desire to give to the wards of Police and PAC personnel ,the benefit of education in english medium brought SANATAN DHARAM INTER COLLEGE into existence. SANATAN DHARAM INTER COLLEGE Meerut aims to provide an atmosphere conducive for the harmonious all round development of the students, which gets sustenance from our cultural heritage.The school is an effort to create a class less society where wards are drawn from all the levels of the force.
Year 1995 saw the advent of the SANATAN DHARAM INTER COLLEGE 6th BN PAC. Under the guidance of the management, the principal with her dedicated faculty ensured the school affiliation to CBSE upto secondary level in the year 2002. The school was upgraded to senior secondary level in the year 2004.
The school was started in a barrack comprising of 7 rooms. To accommodate the growing numbers,3 more rooms were added to the barrack. A new building came up in the year 2004 at the back of the existing barrack to house the secondary and senior secondary sections of the school. In the year 2018 a new wing was added to house the primary wing.
The school has a rising sun along with a banyan tree and a boy holding a torch with the words “TAMSO MA JYOTIR GAMAYA" which means take me from darkness to light
To give wards of Police/ PAC personnel access to education that would make them would class citizens empowered and empathetic, to develop rational thought and critical questioning.
To make education a truly enjoyable experience that would inculcate a love for learning that would go beyond classroom learning promote individual self worth and character development.